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Thursday, February 24, 2011

march 2011 newsletter

U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) in the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and extreme eastern Montana, The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable... at $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5...3 trillion, because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!
That's enough crude to fully fuel the
American economy for 2041 years straight. Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface
of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005
President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this motherload of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?
They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.. Here are the official estimates:- 8-times as much oil as
Saudi Arabia

- 18-times as much oil as

- 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
- 22-times as much oil as

- 500-times as much oil as

We, as a nation, our government speaks of giving democracy to the world, but we don’t have it ourselves. China is a Republic, which is what America is now, though we don’t believe near as bad. When our founding fathers founded this country we needed a representative republic which is what we had, but not anymore. Today the ability to send email and communicate instantly around the world wasn’t even a thought in our founding fathers minds. Our government is always talking about amending the US Constitution because our founding fathers never could have envisioned this world and all its technology. We have the arguments they used to pass laws on us all the time, gun laws, seatbelt laws, helmet laws, insurance laws, though I agree with some I don’t agree with all, I just want a chance to have my voice heard, and not rely on someone to represent me. It is time for this country to evolve as all things do over time.

If an elected person can do what they want without consequence from the law, for instance if a politician is caught in a lie or deceitful act and gets a slap on the wrist then receives a presidential pardon when a pres leaves office. They are supposed to be the voice of the people lead by example; they should be willing to die for their country and the people they serve, not think the country and its citizens are here to serve them and their interests.

Etowah Al, county commission pledged $3M to Goodyear over the next 10 yrs if they employ 1400 people. Mobile, $52M for a Gulfquest maritime museum and ferry landing. Hartford conn an additional $45M for a 9.4 mile bus corridor. Tallahassee Fl state farm wants to raise rates 28% because of sink hole payouts. St Paul, Mn $171M in cuts to higher education. 1B borrowed $20M for a new Saints stadium and $28M to upgrade Rochester mayo civic center. Jackson, Ms. $55M to fund a civil rights museum and a state history museum, Lawmakers killing a tea party initiative to raise $ for a border fence between US and Mexico. A $5 fee on $ wired out of the US + a 1% for transfers over $500. Cincinnati, Oh. $128M for a streetcar line along a 5 mile loop with 21 stops. Ut 110000 illegal immigrants the pilot accountability permit program grants permits to illegals so they can work, pay taxes, get background check, be forced to leave the state if they lose their job. I say BS. Farmington Ut $19.6M Davis county memorial courthouse campus renovation, includes 3 story administrative office buildings, a main branch library, and a children's justice center, they will have to demolish 4 county buildings. Ogden, $2.4M toward a plan for a $38M sports complex. San Diego Ca $57M deficit but need 10 fire stations at a cost of $100M. DC William c smith wants $8M property tax abatement over 10 years to build a 375 apartment building. 12 regular council members make $125000 a year and the chairman $190000 the positions are part time. Hammond In $250000 in ad campaigns to lure Illinois businesses to Indiana. Leves, Del. $25000 grant to study the feasibility of a water taxi between the 2 resort towns. Atlantic City NJ $300000 city counsel voted to fix up sandcastle stadium so it can be used for concerts and festivals, $261M from the state to help build a casino which they would have a stake in. Austin, Tx. will close its suburban dc because they feel they are treated unfairly, the state comptroller demands $269M in uncollected sales taxes. $5B cut from public education. Glaucuster, Mass, $2.6M to continue restoring the exterior of city hall. Seneca SC giving a building to a recycling center. Memphis TN borrowed $22M to benefit a proposed Electrolux appliance plant with another $150M from state, local, and federal subsidies. Denver, Col $12M to repair the gold dome on the state capitol, St Louis, Mo $47M in tax revenue bonds for a ballpark village development with retail, office space, restaurants, and entertainment. Santa Fe NM $139000 a day for the 60 day session $8.4M for the next 2 years full time positions. Cambridge, Md. $300000 bond $ to restore the Chesapeake Bay lighthouse. Annapolis the members of the American Federation of State, county, and municipal employees voted to ratify a 3 year contract that includes $750 in bonuses + guaranteed pay raises for the next 3 yrs and a salary grade increase in 2014. Hagerstown the federal gov is paying $20M toward the cost of 2 new minimum security prisons in Jessup for exclusive use of the supermax prison in Baltimore, the new prisons still cost an additional $26M. Baltimore $15M cut in school state funding. Aberdan Wash $30 annual fee to visit state parks. Selina Ks $14.6M to replace 20465 water meters at a cost of $713.41 each. Boise I'd $92.9M in cuts to schools, Medicaid, colleges, and university. Lewistown Pa $7.3M cut in school funding. Little Rock Ark wants to increase severance tax on natural gas to 7% from 1.25% - 5% or about $50M a year. Portland Minute $60M cut in state aid to schools. Louisville Ky $1.5M on 2 way radios for 1200 buses at a cost of $1250 each. NYC NY bans smoking in parks, beaches, and time square. NY, online sales of tobacco to its citizens from out of state is illegal. NY, NJ, $13.5B cost on 2 tunnels under the Hudson for rail tunnels. Federally, ($50M over the next 5 yrs for wind farms, $1.5B a year to Egypt, Fannie Mae $162M defending execs since America took over in 2008, US Territory Guam $445M for marine base and utilities at an air force base.

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