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Sunday, May 08, 2011

may 2011 refreshment letter

TN $10 m in tax breaks from the city and the county for Amazon to build 2 DCs costing $139 m creating 1400 jobs. Gross profits for 2010 were $5.42 B for the 1st 3 quarters with one to go. Circuit City did a similar thing in a town near me, and now they are out of business. Why should we pick up the tax for these corporations, when they can obviously afford it? Tenn 15 year no tax for electrolux home products to build a 190m plant to employ 1240 people they save 38.7m. Memphis TN borrowed $22M to benefit a proposed electrolux appliance plant with another $150M from state, local, and federal subsidies. Memphis, TN could lay off 1400 workers cause of a $20-70M budget shortfall according to George Little CAO the amount depends on how they must pay $55M debt to schools.
A.L. the state retirement system invested $520 million into a Wise Alloys plant to allow it to grow. They are supposed to pay it back at 9% interest. Alab 30m def paying 17m with stimulus 4 school budgets. 55m received as bonus from fed for enrolling young people in its all kids health ins program. Etowah al, county commission pledged $3M to goodyear over the next 10 yrs if they employ 1400 people. Mobile $52M for a gulfquest maritime museum and ferry landing.
Illinois 3-5% state income tax increase or 66% for 4 yrs because of a supposed 15b defecit coupled with 2% limits on spending growth anything over will cancel tax increase. From what I have been able to gather on this matter illinois has a 55b budget of which about half of comes from the federal gov cauffers, which means the illinois gov needs about 28b to make budget. In a news article it stated illinois had 68b in rev in the 1st 6 months with 6 to go. So 40b from the 1st 6 months and let's just say 50b from the 2nd 6 months that = 90b the illinois gov is not accounting for.
$1.5B a year to Egypt. Fannie Mae $162M defending execs since America took over in 2008. US Territory Guam $445M for marine base and utilities at an air force base. NASA $753M or $63M per person from 2014 to 2016 for 12 US astronauts to fly to and from the international space station paid to the Russian government.
$ 338,300,000,000.00 WHICH WOULD BE ENOUGH TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY FOR THE CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY. Links and information about where this money is going is available on our blog which can be accessed through
Chickenlip, Monday on Fox news they learned that the staffers of Congress family members are exempt from having to pay back student loans. This will get national attention if other news networks will broadcast it. When you add this to the below, just where will all of it stop? Links and information about where this money is going is available on our blog which can be accessed through
According to the Constitution of the US we are not to have more than 1 House
member for every 30,000 Americans. Whether our founding fathers saw our
population growing from 3,929,000 people in 1790 to nearly309 million in 2010 or not
I don’t know. One thing is for sure if we are to have the same amount of representation
that we had in 1790 of 1 rep for approx every37, 000 Americans, we the people in order to form a more perfect union will have to stand up to make it happen. We would need approximately 8335 members in the house to have the same amount of Representation as Americans had in 1790. In 2010 according to the US census report we have 1 house member for approx every 700,000 Americans, but the cost of that would exceed $374m a year, cause the average house members salary not including their expense account is $45,000 all the way to $200,000 a year. I’m not saying we should have more house reps, but as a nation we should decide that together, not let 435 members of the house, and decide for all of us.
Since 2006 our US border Patrol has had a 41% increase or 309 more incursions from 752 in
2006 to 1061 in 2010. We spent $50 B on foreign aid to countries around the world, for their security and whatever else they need. While our government budgeted a measly $5.77 B on US border security or ICE. Take a little time to talk to some people to find out how they feel, I have and the results that I have come up with are about 9 out 10 people think we as a nation should have a 1 voice 1 vote form of government, after all isn’t it our government who is always saying that our founding fathers could never have envisioned this country being what it is today.
I mean we can pick up a phone a talk around the world; we can talk to a man in space, if we would have had that ability in 1787 when the final constitutional convention was held, do you think it would have read differently, even if it were not written any differently, would you have wanted it written differently, I know I would have I am personally tired of letting a handful of people decide everything for me. If you like what is written here and want to spread the word taking this letter to the printer and print as many as you can afford, and hand them out as I did.
Don’t forget to check us out online at for next month’s newsletter. If you have an article you would like to submit please submit not later than the next to last Friday of the month to allow me time to research your article and work it into the newsletter, e-mail us at


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